- Mosier, S., Kelly, L., Ozlu, E., Robertson, G. P. (2024) Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars have similar impacts on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and microbial function. Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
- Ozlu, E., Arriaga, F. J. (2023) Temporal variations in soil aggregate re‐formation behaviors after disturbance by tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Gozukara, G., Dengiz, O., Shahbazi, F., Senol, H., Ozlu, E., Silva, S. H. G., Babur, E. (2023) Rapid assessment of elemental concentrations using pXRF and remote sensing on a dried lakebed. Journal of Arid Environments 219, 105087
- Battaglia, M. L., Thomasson, W., Ozlu, E., Rezaei-Chiyaneh, E., Fike, J. H., Diatta, A. A., Uslu, O. S., Babur, E., Schillaci, C. (2023) Short-Term Crop Residue Management in No-Tillage Cultivation Effects on Soil Quality Indicators in Virginia. Agronomy 13: 3 838
- Ozlu, E., Arriaga, F. J., Bilen, S., Gozukara, G., Babur, E. (2022) Carbon footprint management by agricultural practices. Biology – MDPI 11: 10 1453.
- Babur, E., Dindaroglu, T., Danish, S., Haggblom, M.M., Ozlu, E., Gozukara, G., Uslu, O.S. (2022) Spatial responses of soil carbon stocks, total nitrogen, and microbial indicies to post-wildfire in the Mediterranean red pine forest. Journal of Environmental Management 320, 115939.
- Ozlu, E., Gozukara, G., Acar, M., Bilen, S., Babur, E. (2022)Field-Scale Evaluation of the Soil Quality Index as Influenced by Dairy Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers. Sustainability – MDPI 14(13), 7593.
- Gozukara, G., Acar, M., Ozlu, E., Dengiz, O., Hartemink, A. E., and Zhang, Y. (2022). A soil quality index using Vis-NIR and pXRF spectra of a soil profile. Catena, 211, 105954.
- Bilen, S., Ozgul, M., Ozlu, E., Bilen, M. (2021) Impacts of Gümüşhane cement dust emissions on soil elemental compositions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 45 (6), 766-774.
- Ozlu, E. and Arriaga, F.J. (2021) The Role of Carbon Stabilization and minerals on Soil Aggregation. Catena 202: 105303.
- Babur, E., Uslu, O.S., Battaglia, M. L., Mumtaz, M. Z., Danish, S., Fahad, S., Diatta, A. A., Datta, R., Ozlu, E. (2021) Nitrogen fertilizer effects on microbial respiration, microbial biomass, and carbon sequestration in a Mediterranean grassland ecosystem. International Journal of Environmental Research.
- Horuz, A., Gunes, A., Turan, M., Demir, T., Serdar, U., Ozlu, E., Karaman, M. R., Firildak, G. (2021) The Effects of Different Micronutrient Fertilizers on cv. Tombul Hazelnut Yield and Certain Nut Properties. Springer-Erwerbs-Obstbau 63: 107–114.
- Gunes, A., Turan, M., Sahin, U., Sahin, F., Gulluce, M., Ozgul, M., Ors, S., Ozlu, E. (2020) The Yield Responses to Crop Bioremediation Practices on Haplustept and Fluvaquent Saline-Sodic Soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51(21): 2639-2657.
- Ata, S., Gunes, A., Ozgul, M., Turan, M., Yildirim, E., Mokhtari, N. A. P., Ozlu, E. (2020) Role of Freeze-Thaw Cycles in Available Fe Levels of Some Highland Soil Orders. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29(1): 62-69.
- Gunes, A., Ata, S., Ozgul, M., Turan, M., Ozlu, E., & Dizman, M. (2020) Available Ammonium and Nitrate Levels of highland soil, orders in Turkey at different freeze-thaw cycles. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29(1): 51-61.
- Alhameid, A., Singh, J., Sekaran, U., Ozlu, E., Kumar, S., & Singh, S. (2020) Crop rotational diversity impacts soil physical and hydrological properties under long-term no-and conventional-till soils. Soil Research 58(1): 84-94.
- Ozlu, E., Sandhu, S.S., Kumar, S., Arriaga, F. (2019) Soil health indicators impacted by Long-term cattle manure and inorganic fertilizer of corn-soybean rotation in South Dakota. Scientific Reports 9(1).
- Ozlu, E., Kumar, S., and Arriaga, F.J. (2019) Responses of Long-term Cattle Manure on Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties under a Corn-Soybean Rotation of Two Locations in Eastern South Dakota. Soil Science Society of America Journal 83(5): 1459-1467.
- Sandhu, S., Sekaran, U., Ozlu, E., Hoilett, N.O., & Kumar, S. (2019) Short-term impacts of biochar and manure application on soil labile carbon fractions, enzyme activity, and microbial community structure. Biochar 1(3): 271-282.
- Kitir, N., Gunes, A., Turan, M., Yildirim, E., Topcuoglu, B., Turker, M., Ozlu, E., Karaman, M.R. & Fırıldak, G. (2019) Bio-Boron Fertilizer Applications Affect Amino Acid and Organic Acid Content and Physiological Properties of Strawberry Plant. Springer-Erwerbs-Obstbau 61(2): 129-137.
- Yagmur, B., Okur, B., Ozlu, E., Okur, N. (2019) A Preliminary Study on Response of Iron Content and Yield of Corn to Different Rates of Sewage Sludge. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 29(1): 63-70.
- Basak, H., Çimrin, K.M., Turan, M., Güneş, A., Ozlu, E. (2019) Response of mycorrhiza-inoculated pepper and amino acids to salt treatment at different ratios. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50(3): 350-361.
- A., Turan, M., Akinoglu, G., Ozcan, C., Gunes, A., Korkmaz, A., Kaya, Y., Kitir, N., Adiloglu, S., Tufenkci, S., Adiloglu, A., Karaman, M.R., Ozlu, E. (2019) Effects of phosphogypsum waste application on corn (zea Mays L.) yield and nutrient contents. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28: 8814-8822.
- Karlidag, H., Turan, M., Karaat, F. E., Ozlu, E., Arriaga, F.J., Kan, T., Atay, S. (2019) Response of Heavy Metal Contents in Apricots to Different Transformation Modes. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus 18(1).
- Ozlu, E., and Kumar, S. (2018) Response of surface GHG fluxes to long-term manure and inorganic fertilizer application in corn and soybean rotation. Science of the Total Environment 626: 817-825.
- Ozlu, E., and Kumar, S., (2018) Response of Soil Organic Carbon, pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Water Stable Aggregates to Long-Term Annual Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer. Soil Science Society of America Journal 82(5): 1243-1251.
- Ozdemir, G., Kitir, N., Turan, M., Ozlu, E. (2018) Impacts of Organic and Organo-mineral Fertilizers on Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, Anthocyanin and Antiradical Activity of Okuzgozu (Vitis Vinifera L.) Grapes. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus 17(3): 91-100.
- Erdogan, U., Kitir, N., Adem, G., Tuan, M., Tasci, S., Yildirim, E., Karaman, M. R., Mokhtari, N. E. P., Ozlu, E., Firildak, G. (2018) Different Land Use Influences on Amino Acid, Organic Acid, Hormone and Mineral Nutrient Contents of Dry Beans. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(12): 8147-8157.
- Ozlu, E. and Alhameid, A. (2017) The Linkage between Human Health and Soil under Different Farming Practices, a Systematic Review. Soil Science 48: 573-592.
- Yagmur, B., Ozlu, E., Ates, F., Simsek, H. (2017) The response of soil health to different tillage practices in organic viticulture farming. J Soil Sci Plant Health 1:1.